Can I cancel my order?
Yes. Please email us as soon as possible.This does not guarantee a cancellation, but if your order hasn't been processed and shipped we will cancel the order and give you a full refund.
If your item has been shipped, you can send it back and get refund.
If I need an item urgently can I put a special request in?
Yes you can, There may be a additional postal service cost if applicable - Please contact us and we will inform you accordingly.
What are your payment methods?
All payments are made securely through PayPal, you do not need a PayPal account to shop with us.
How do i know you have received my order?
We are notified immediately of your orders and you receive a order confirmation email with a summary of your order.
Are the products exactly the same as shown on the pictures?
The colour may differ slightly due to lighting and camera quality.
What fabric is used for the fashion wear?
The exact fabric details are listed in the product details.
Are the measurements accurate?
We try our best to provide accurate measurements but sometimes they can be slightly approximated.
My question has not been answered?
Please contact us via the 'Contact' tab with your question.
Like all delicate things your jewellery from Beau Accessories must be given extra care to ensure longer wear.
Please Note: Product colour may vary slightly due to individual monitor settings and picture quality enhancement.
When purchasing from Beau Accessories you have agreed to our Terms and Conditions which are stated above within the FAQ's.